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Guidelines for Direct Selling/Network Marketing Companies

Guidelines Issued by Govt. of India

Based on recommendations of an inter-Ministerial committee constituted to study the problems in direct selling, Govt. of India issued guidelines to states and union territories on 9-Sep-2016. 

Guidelines Issued by Central Govt.

A clear definition of Direct Selling and Network Marketing was drawn in Clause-1 of this document.

Prohibition of Pyramid/Money Chain Schemes

Clause-8 of the Guidelines issued by Central Govt. reads as given below.

It’s evident from the above clauses that Pyramid Schemes and Money Circulation Schemes were prohibited and Direct Selling and Network Marketing  were permitted. Over and above, States and Union Territories were advised to formulate Monitoring authorities to monitor and regulate the activities of Direct Selling/Network Marketing entities.

Appointment of State Level Monitoring Authorities

Clause-9 of the Guidelines reads as given below

Therefore, every state government shall have a Monitoring Authority to monitor the activities of Direct Sellers. Issues arising in Direct Selling shall be dealt with by the Department of Consumer Affairs at the Union and the respective state governments.
